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Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Planet Earth

My girlfriend Amy got this great TV series for Christmas, Planet Earth. I was never into the Discovery channel --- but this show is amazing! Ry & I are having a blast watching the eipsodes together, and are thankful for God's vast imagination!!

Highly recommend this!!


Maureen said...

My son works at Blockbuster and brought home the series
God created such a beautiful planet.
I am glad there are some places left that man hasn't touched and I pray they never will.

Anonymous said...

I'm soo good at getting people addicted to the series, I haven't found one person whom I've watched the series with that didn't like it!

Shari said...

I'd love to see this.... can you bring it next weekend you come and we'll watch it.
Missing you guys - I'm sure you're thrilled to be back in your own bed and have your own space back.